Therapy for Divorce
Divorce destroyed all your carefully made life plans. Now you’re starting over from scratch…
My clients struggle as you do. Despite being intelligent, hardworking, and caring, divorce blows up your life. When they first come in, my clients often don't know who they are anymore. They feel like they had to give up on their dreams and ambitions during marriage, and are uncertain how to reclaim them. Their carefully laid plans for the future have been annihilated and they are grieving the hopes and dreams they had for their future. Everything is coming apart at the seams and they often feel that it is all their fault.
Every day you're faced with the same bullshit:
You feel lost - unsure of who you are anymore, how you got here or where you’re going.
You are having a hard time adjusting to the big changes in your life: everything feels scary and overwhelming.
You feel disconnected from friends and family, even your kids
You feel guilty about the impact of divorce on your kids, and dread having to co-parent with your ex.
You’re wondering when you’ll be ready to open your heart again, but not sure if you even want to.
How Divorce and Post Divorce Therapy Can Help You
Divorce is one of the ultimate life-changing events. It changes everything. The old life plan, the pre-divorce plan, is smashed and gone. We can work together on creating a new plan for your life, with new goals and new destinations.
So often, we have to let go of pieces of ourselves to fit the shape of our relationship. After divorce, we feel not only broken, but diminished. Divorce therapy provides the opportunity to pick up those lost pieces and make ourselves whole again.
You do not have to remain struggling in pain and uncertainty. I'm here to provide a safe space where we can work together to sort through the flotsam and jetsam tossed overboard during the storm of divorce. We'll pick up the pieces, examine each one, and put the good ones back together in a way that reduces your anxiety or depression, moves you forward, improves your quality of life, and makes you a bit wiser. Our goal is to help you find a way out of the dark and chart a new course towards healing, balance, happiness and meaning. You can become the person you always wanted to be.
Some of the things we’ll focus on:
Rebuilding your confidence in yourself
Dating… or not
Helping your kids navigate their own upheaval
Co-parenting with your ex
Managing relationships with joint friends
Feeling safe again
You Are Not Broken
Taking back control of your life
Making decisions
Getting control of your finances
Going through a divorce is often like crossing a river of shit to get to an unknown land. Through divorce therapy, we can build you a boat.